Wednesday, June 24, 2015

FreshKon Lenses: Mosaic Urban Grey

Review: FreshKon Mosaic Urban Grey

  As far as I am lagging behind reviews of beauty products, today I shall make amends with a contact lenses review.

  I favor colored contact lenses very much - so much so that I wear them not just to correct my short shortsightedness but more for vanity purposes. Contact lenses plays so much importance to an overall make up look.

I got these at a local optical shop at around SGD $30 per pair (?).

Comfort: I find the lenses blurry and drying. I would not recommend a full day of usage. It dries my eyes a lot and I have to reach for my eyedrops too often.

Size: 14.2mm is a good size for a natural looking effect.

Colour: The colour is a gorgeous shade of grey, with an gradient from grey to black towards the sides. I like lenses with a gradual, undefined rim as it looks more pleasing as oppose to a harsh rim. That's just my personal preference!

Although these lenses nailed the design aspect, there is still room for improvement if we are speaking about comfort level. As much as I like how it looks on my eyes, it is not good enough of a reason to re-purchase.

*if you need more details, this is it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Daxi Old Street and Cihu, Taiwan

As our EVA air flight enters and exits Taiwan via Taoyuan Airport, we checked in to Taoyuan Hotel for ease of convenience and took advantage of the free ride to the airport.

How does it look?

It turns out to be the most haunted hotel we have slept in so far.

Although Taoyuan City might not be the most talk-about destination in Taiwan, we signed ourselves up by beginning to take the Taiwan Tourism Bus and had Cihu, Daxi Old Street on our list.

Our original intention was to take the Xiao Wulai Shuttle Route but turns out that the aforementioned route is unavailable on weekdays.

The bus which took us to Daxi Old Street from Taoyuan Bus Terminal.

This is Daxi Old Street, most notable for it's old Japanese baroque style architecture. It is also home to traditional trades, the obvious being wood furniture trading.

Apparently, this street is also famous for it's tofu so please try if you're dropping by.

Baby swallows are ubiquitous along the streets and the adult swallows seem have claimed numerous shop front as their dwellings by building their nests onto it.

Tofu pudding dessert we had was comforting on a warm day.

 More of Daxi Old Street and I:

The long wait for the second leg of bus at the bus terminal near Daxi. The public toilet in the terminal was a total nightmare by the way. (Same goes for Ruifang Railway Station.) If possible, take your business elsewhere!

A run-through of what we did in Cihu:

1) Pose.

2) Take picture.

3) Take more pictures.

4) Walk through the Cihu Sculpture Memorial Park.

All me cause my boyfriend is obviously the more enthusiastic photographer between us.

Still with me?

5) Take a walk through the Cihu Mausoleum in silence.

6) Complain about the weather.

 7) Take more pictures to prove your trip.

Eugene's reaction towards my photography skills. Sorry babe. Photography is just not one of my talent. :(

8) Check the bus timetable and wait for the bus to leave.

In the nutshell, that is really all from Cihu for us. The mausoleum and sculpture park can be done in a jiffy. Nonetheless, the quietness made our walk pleasurable.

As such I could understand why the late president chose this place as his final resting place.

The most puzzling thing for me is the installment of head statues which feels a bit... out-of-place.

Alright. Time's up.

Will update again!