Friday, November 28, 2014

Kose Clear Turn Masks & Kracie Hadabisei 3D Mask

Review: Japanese Masks

As the Korean wave caught on, I was introduced to Korean skincare and makeup. I can say I am an fan of Korea's Leader's Clinic Masks, which I have been straight re-buying ever since the first usage.

My favorite masks from Leader's Clinic would be Mela-tox and Vita Bright. I really appreciate the non-dripping formula and how snugly it fits on the face without having to smooth air pockets all the time.

I bought 3 different facial masks from my trip.

The first one which caught my eye is the Kose Clear Turn Collagen Facial Mask because they were in every shop and positioned prominently.

Fit: Personally, I find the mask sheet slightly on the larger side as compared to the Korean counterparts, thus it does not fit best on my face. There were eye cutouts for the eyelids, unlike other masks I have used but I can't say I like them very much because I enjoy multitasking while having my mask on.

Moisture: Moisture level is fine, sufficient but definitely not as generous as the Leader's mask, which has a great amount of essence. The essence is quite runny and more akin to daily toners, or Kose's skincare lotion less the alcohol. It is not thick and gooey like Leader's.

Effect: Effect is subtle. I do feel my skin got slightly clearer after application but effect is not obvious.

I have read about some raves on the aforementioned mask but from experience, the effect does not show up on my skin as much. I feel quite neutral about this product, but not sure about re-buying.

The next mask I got was the Kracie Hadabisei 3D Aging Moisturizer Facial Mask, simply because I overheard a Chinese tourist asking for this particular mask and she sounds like she knows her stuff.

Fit: The mask is folded into half and placed in the packaging, with two tabs by the side for easy application. The bottom of the mask is wide enough to reach areas underneath the chin. Despite it's size, the mask sits well on the face.

Moisture: Out of the 3 masks, this is the one with the best texture and amount of essence. The essence is thick and moisturizing enough to spread on the entire face.

Effect: I was amazed by the effect I was seeing. My skin looks plumped and well nourished right after I removed the mask.

Although this mask is more pricey compared to the two others I bought and tried, the results are more visible and I wished I had bought more of these. I would not hesitate to buy them again if they are available.

I picked Kose Clear Turn Babyish Facial Masks because the packaging appears compact and luggage friendly thus I decided to give it a try.

Fit: The fit is close to Kose Clear Turn Collagen Facial Mask I have tried and is quite mediocre.

Moisture: I was disappointed by the amount of lotion the masks was soaked in. It is a bit too dry for my liking and I find myself pouring the excess from the package and reapplying.

Effect: The effect appears somewhat similar to the Kose Clear Turn Collagen Facial Mask. In my opinion, lotion masks are more suitable for everyday use but probably not good enough for people with drier skin.

I cannot recommend this mask to someone who needs something more heavy duty because the lotion is light and the mask is pretty dry. I personally prefer moisturizing masks and those which has more visible effects.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Loveil Lenses: Brown Mirage & Ash Grege

Review: Japanese Contact Lenses

So in the midst of dealing with my post holiday blues, I shall do a review of my recent beauty hauls from various drugstores in Japan, one at a time.

Japanese drugstores has a massive collection of makeup, skincare and beauty products enough to drain half my traveling funds, if not more.

I have been a contact lens wearer for a decade. As far as colored contact lenses are concern, I find it almost impossible to purchase one in mortar shops which provides good amount of comfort, preferred diameter as well as the balance of colors which fit my eyes naturally.

I usually get my contacts online because those from shops are either pricey, uncomfortable, or too small in diameter.

Don Quixote have a fair collection of cosmetic lenses and the selection is fantastic especially if you do not have any prescription. There are more choices for lenses without prescription but also a fair bit for the ones with prescription.

I decided to pick a chocolate color and grey color, my preferred choice of colors for cosmetic lenses.

Comfort: As these are dailies they are far more comfortable than any monthly or yearly lenses, generally speaking.

Size: The diameter of 14.2mm is just right for me as I prefer something not too large (unnatural) or something too obscure. I do like some enlarging effect.

(BROWN MIRAGE) The lenses has a lovely brown rim which I prefer as suppose to a black rim because brown appears less harsh, and has a more gradual effect. The color stood out to me as chocolatey brown, as advertised. The overall effect is relatively natural and close to what I was expecting.

(ASH GREGE) Speaking from the countless pairs of colored contacts I have tried and spent my money on, grey lenses are usually more dramatic in comparison to browns and hazels. For Loveil, this is not an exception. The grey is however, not piercing bright, which ranks high on subtlety compared to many others I have seen. Loveil Ash Grege is a refreshing change for folks who wants a dash of color without compromising the wearable factor.

The only qualm I have is not buying more. They are absolutely natural and great for everyday wear.